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Kentucky Christian

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Academic Support

Student Support Services

Counseling Services

Academic Counseling
学生入职前或入职前两天, he/she will be assigned to an academic advisor. 而每个学生都应该仔细阅读并遵循大学目录中的课程指南, the academic advisor will assist in checking sequencing of classes, adequate progress, and appropriate recording of academic achievements. 学术顾问还将能够为那些有特殊学术困难和需要更多个性化关注的学生提供参考帮助. 有关学术咨询的问题应直接向注册主任咨询.

Financial Counseling
九中大的财务主任特别关注协助有特殊经济需要的学生. While this is most certainly a sensitive issue to many, 网赌最好最大平台 students continue to laud the helpfulness of this staff. 有关财务咨询的问题应直接向业务运营总监咨询.

Spiritual Counseling
As an institution of Christian higher education, 网赌最好最大平台 is especially concerned about the spiritual welfare of her students. 许多来到校园的人发现,他们第一次离开家的个人经历也是他们第一次与耶稣基督的个人接触. The campus minister and various other personnel (e.g., professors in the Bible and Christian Ministries Department, 其他教师和工作人员)接受培训,协助寻找定义精神价值.

Career Counseling
毕业后的就业安置是各院系的工作. 学生应咨询各自学院的院长,以确定谁能最好地帮助他们在网赌最好最大平台大学毕业后找到工作. Trainings will also be held to assist with interviews, writing resumes and other aspects of job search. 学校的各个学院也会在春季学期联合举办招聘会.

Student Academic Support Services

我们在网赌最好最大平台的目标是让我们的学生在基督里成长,并帮助你成功. 我们知道,学生的成功往往依赖于一个支持性的环境. 玛拉基麦克丹尼尔学术资源中心正是获得这种支持的地方.

Click here to learn more about our Academic Resource Center

一个穿着蓝色衬衫的人正在图书馆的桌子前学习,他背着一个红黑相间的背包,面前放着一本打开的书. Bookshelves are visible in the background.

Student Accommodations

网赌最好最大平台遵循1973年康复法案(公法93-122)第504条对“残疾学生”的定义。. 第504条将残疾人定义为任何身体或精神残疾,严重损害或限制行走等一项或多项主要生活活动的人, seeing, hearing, speaking, working, or learning. A person with a disability is someone who: has a physical or mental impairment; has a record of such impairment; and/or is regarded as having such impairment. To be an otherwise qualified student with a disability, 这些人必须达到学术和技术标准,并履行入学所需的所有基本职能, participation, and continuation in the institutional programs and activities.

Under Section 504, 学校必须为残疾学生做出适当和合理的调整,以确保他们能够参加学术活动(课程和考试)和非学术活动(招生和招聘), admission to programs, academic adjustments, housing, financial assistance, physical education, athletics, and counseling). In order to be granted protection under Section 504, students must self-identify to the college, 提供有关残疾的性质和程度的最新和全面的文件, 并阐明他们对学校提供的残疾服务的需求.

九大校并不需要提供最好或最理想的住宿,而是提供足够的住宿,使这些人士享有平等的机会和机会. 将为合格的残疾人士提供合理的便利,只要这些修改不会导致服务的根本改变, program, or activity or; 2) result in undue financial, administrative or academic burden; or 3) result in a direct threat to the health or safety of the person or other individuals.

合格的残疾人负责向居住服务主任提供证明其特定残疾和要求的住房住宿的文件. Documentation submitted should not be more than three years old. 残疾学生必须及时提出住宿请求,以便住宿服务主任有合理的时间审查请求并协调住宿. 要求修改现有住宿设施的申请必须在学期开始前90天提出. Untimely requests, those made in less than 90 days before a semester, may result in delay, substitution, or denial of accommodations.

有残疾的学生是否应该觉得学院制定的政策或分配的住房没有照顾到他/她的残疾和/或危及他/她的安全, 学生可以向负责学术事务的副校长提出上诉,该副校长将对有关的机构政策或住房分配进行独立和公正的审查,并对上诉作出裁决. 学生的家长和/或辩护律师也可以与学生一起参与上诉过程.

Flyer for the Student Success Program at 网赌最好最大平台, 展示成功教练和学术资源中心工作人员的照片和bios, with a URL to the student handbook and contact numbers for services.

Christ-Centered Vision


Kyle Davies, Class of 2013 & 2015